Mindful Eating
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8 Gentle Mindful Eating Tips to Reset After a Food “Binge” (Plus Food & Mood Journal Download)
Let’s have some real talk here. We are human beings having a human experience. Even when we have “done the work” to plan reframe our thoughts after a holiday weekend with food, we are doing our food & mood journalling to understand our emotional connections with food, we are following intuitive eating guidelines, and are working hard at not seeing food as having morality attached to it as “good vs bad food”….. we can still find ourselves post a food binge.

3 Mindful Eating Tips to Reframe Our Post Weekend Diet Thoughts
Post a long weekend, holiday weekend, or for some, ANY weekend we can get caught in that old school diet mentality thought pattern of “I am going to start my new diet on Monday” as a knee jerk reaction to whatever we ate on the weekend we feel is “bad” for us.When I work through these thought patterns with my clients, we don’t talk about how we need to “stick to it!” On the weekend, instead we talk about reframing our thoughts.

5 Mindful Eating Tips for Beginners
With the Holiday Season around the corner, I wanted to share 5 Simple Mindful Eating Practices you can try at your next meal.

Ditching the Diet Mentality for Mindful Eating this Holiday Season
The Holiday Season is upon us, and with New Year’s around the corner so is all the diet and “New Year- New You” Talk, this can often mean more conversation about dieting, restricting food after indulging in your holiday favorites, pressure to start a new program in January to deal with “holiday weight-gain”, and a general feeling of shame or guilt from others.

Raising Healthy Eaters Series: Part Three
Now, it is time to dive into the final part of the Raising Healthy Eaters series, and let’s keep it real for real life! What exactly do I mean by “Keeping it real”? I mean that building a foundation of healthy eating habits for kids is no joke!

Raising Healthy Eaters Series: Part Two
Now in part two, we are going to talk about some tips in HOW you can set the stage at home to introduce the IDEA of adding in new nutrient-dense whole foods into your child’s meals in a way that does not cause a food strike in the home and helps lay the groundwork for healthy relationships with food in the future.

Hey, I’m Jo! I specialize in Gentle Nutrition to help you Eat with Ease for Happy & Healthy Guts, Hormones, Mental Health, and Self!
I’m a Gut & Hormone Educator, Mental Health Practitioner, Mindful Eating Coach, Chef, CBT Life Coach, & Holistic Nutrition Expert that is passionate about showing you how to Keep it Simple, Ditch Restrictions, & Level-Up to Rejoice in the Body, Mind, & Life you desire.
I love creating simple, inclusive recipes & sharing holistic lifestyle habits that easily fit into your everyday life to bring you joy. I am committed to empowering you with tangible tools to nourish your body, mind, and soul to rejoice in the most vibrant life possible.
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