Gut Health
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What Foods are Rich in Magnesium? Plus Recipes & Free Download
Have you heard the news that on average most people in North America only get 66% of their required daily intake of Magnesium?! Why does this matter? Magnesium is responsible for over 300 metabolic functions in the body

What Types of Magnesium Do You Need?
The most common question I get in my practice as it relates to supplements is around “which form of Magnesium is best?”
Now, in an ideal world, we are getting all our nutrition from the food we eat & supplementation is not needed. However, the reality is supplementation can be beneficial & sometimes needed.

The One Thing a Health Coach never wants to admit….. “I got sick”.
When you are a health coach or even just someone that takes great care about choosing to love your body through food, self-care, movement, and

How to Make Water Kefir GingerAle
Kombucha was and still is a big trend, however Water Kefir may be taking over as the new popular gut-loving fermented drink due to how simple it is to make. I get a ton of questions about Water Kefir? Water Kefir is a probiotic beverage made with water kefir grains and sugar water. Water Kefir grains are a complex polysaccharide blend of good bacteria cultures and yeasts that live in a symbiotic relationship. Cultures of Health does a great job of outlining the composition of water kefir grains if you are interested in the science behind them through their Water Kefir Grain Composition article.

How to Make Sauerkraut
Hippocrates once said, “all disease begins within the gut”. Whether you are experiencing allergies, digestive issues, or needing more energy, spending some time supporting your digestive system can be a great place to start. Our gut is a delicate ecosystem that can be impacted by a number of factors (i.e. stress, toxins, drugs, and food particles). How we support our healthy gut flora for optimal digestive functioning is something we are starting to see more exploratory research around. However, we still have a lot more to learn about all the microbes that help us break down and digest our food.

7 Ways to Enhance Your Digestion This Holiday Season
Holidays seem to always mean lots of dinners, parties, potlucks, and sweet treats that add leaving your tummy far from happy. Bloating, gas, bowel, and

Hey, I’m Jo! I specialize in Gentle Nutrition to help you Eat with Ease for Happy & Healthy Guts, Hormones, Mental Health, and Self!
I’m a Gut & Hormone Educator, Mental Health Practitioner, Mindful Eating Coach, Chef, CBT Life Coach, & Holistic Nutrition Expert that is passionate about showing you how to Keep it Simple, Ditch Restrictions, & Level-Up to Rejoice in the Body, Mind, & Life you desire.
I love creating simple, inclusive recipes & sharing holistic lifestyle habits that easily fit into your everyday life to bring you joy. I am committed to empowering you with tangible tools to nourish your body, mind, and soul to rejoice in the most vibrant life possible.
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