Kombucha was and still is a big trend, however, Water Kefir may be taking over as the new popular gut-loving fermented drink due to how simple it is to make. I get a ton of questions about Water Kefir? Water Kefir is a probiotic beverage made with water kefir grains and sugar water. Water Kefir grains are a complex polysaccharide blend of good bacteria cultures and yeasts that live in a symbiotic relationship. Cultures of Health does a great job of outlining the composition of water kefir grains if you are interested in the science behind them through their Water Kefir Grain Composition article.
Now traditional Gingerale was intended to be a tonic that supported and eased digestive troubles thanks to the nutritional composition of the ginger root. However, in North America, we have created basically a very sugary soda which is far from its original digestive support ancestor. This recipe provides a healthy and natural version of today’s ginger ale while delivering the benefits of a fermented drink. There are so many health benefits of water kefir grains, Authority of Health created a great infographic with research links you can access here, 16 Benefits of Water Kefir.
The recipe is very simple to make, click the link below to watch my How To Make Water Kefir Video,
Cheers to your gut health,

How to Make Water Kefir GingerAle
- 2 litres filtered water
- 1/8 tsp celtic or himalayan sea salt
- 1/2 cup organic cane sugar
- 1/4-1/2 cup sliced ginger root
- 4 tbsp water kefir grains
- 1/8 cup organic cane sugar (optional)
- 1 cup filtered water (optional)
- Place sugar and water into pot and place on the stove over low heat for 3 minutes, stir with a spoon to dissolve. Add ginger and simmer for 20 minutes.
- Strain the ginger and allow the sugar mixture to cool to room temperature. This is important because water kefir grains can't survive in high heat.
- Once the ginger sugar water is cool add it to your 2 litre jar then fill the reminaing space with water.
- Scoop in 4-5 tbsp of water kefir grains. Secure the lid and place the jar in a dark and warm place for 24-36 hours. I like to cover with a towel to block out any light.
- Strain the kefir grains and pour your ginerale into new bottles. You will need your bottles to have a closing lid or you will lose the "fizz" to the drink.
- Now your drink is ready to enjoy, but the sugars have been consumed by the water kefri grains in the fermentation process so if you want more sweetness in your ale then mix the optional sugar and water into your gingerale and then bottle to drink.