We are WHOLE HUMAN BEINGS! We are deserving of a WHOLE APPROACH of care for our physical, mental, & emotional well-being.

If you are struggling with digestive issues, this is a foundational pillar in Rejoice Programs. For years I struggled with gut issues without clear direction or answers from my doctors. I deeply empathize with those that are in the process of looking for answers with their digestive issues. I wish I could go back in time and tell struggling self of the past, everything I have learned personally and professionally about The Matter of the Gut. How the digestive system literally impacts almost everything in the body and mind, additionally how all the other 5 pillars both impact and are impacted by the Matters of the Gut. Hippocrates quote, nearly 2500 years ago- “All disease beings in the gut” rings true to anyone struggling with gut issues or in any of the 6 Rejoice Pillars.
Empower Yourself to Care for YOUR Unique Gut Health.

There are many resources and recipes curated around digestive health here in this space. You can use the search bar at the top right of the screen to search “digestion”.
Under the Article Tab in the Navigation bar, you can click “Gut Health” in the dropdown menu to easily find your area of interest.
Also, if you are interested in diving deeper into supporting your digestive system, check out the Eat to Ease Gut Matter Program.
A 21-Day transformative modern holistic approach to strengthening digestive functions for whole health.
Learn more about the program by clicking the button below.

The Education for women in how to nurture and care for your hormonal system over the ever changing stages of your life is something I constantly hear is missing from women worldwide. Because I was in my thirties when my health crisis happened, not one of the doctors I saw questioned my hormones ( I was “too young” they told me to worry about that). I was working 60-80hrs a week in the health care system, I had 2 small children under the age of three, and sleep was a rare occurrence. I also felt I had no time to care for myself or eat after giving birth. It was not until I went back to post-secondary school that I even heard the term Adrenal Fatigue and understood the impacts of postpartum depression. Here is where I learned I was not alone, or “crazy”, or “lazy”, but I was experiencing Hormonal Havoc and was not supporting my hormones in the many ways I now know are essential. There are so many things we can do to support our Endocrine System that impacts many systems within the body and in our daily lives. If this is an area you are interested in working on, I am happy to be a useful guide on your journey.
Let’s Restore Hormone Harmony and Metabolism Naturally.

There are many hormone resources, tools, and recipes in this space. Please use the search bar in the top right corner and search “hormones” to easily find your area of interest.
You can also click the “Articles” Tab in the navigation for a dropdown menu to find hormone-related articles for your convenience.
If you are interested in exploring your hormone health further, check out the Eat with Ease for Hormonal Harmony Program. Learn More by clicking the button below.

The Pillar of supporting people with Mental Health struggles is very near and dear to my heart. I grew up in a home with a parent that struggled with Bi-Polar Disorder and Addictions. I made it my mission to change the system for those struggling and their families due to the lack of supports we received from the system. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in the area of Community Health with a major in Mental Health and Disability and immediately dove into the system to be an advocate for change and better care. I have worked in the mental health field for almost 20 years. I too struggled with anxiety and panic attacks which I did not know at the time was connected to my gut and hormone issues until later when I began to shift how I supported my mental health with a whole care approach. Through my personal and professional experience, I deeply empathize with the struggles and how lonely it can feel navigating a wellness plan when anxiety is high. This is why our approach to curating a wellness plan is collaborative, supportive, and at a pace that you set.
You can Ease Stress & Anxiety with Functional and Simple Practices

There are many resources and tools for mental health here in the Rejoice Community. You can use the search bar at the top right of the screen to search “mental health”, or “anxiety”.
Under the Article Tab in the Navigation bar, you can click “Mental Health” in the dropdown menu to easily find your area of interest.
Also, if you are interested in diving deeper into supporting your overall brain health and learn tools to manage feelings of anxiety, check out the Eat to Ease Anxiety Program.
Learn more about the program by clicking the button below.

Most of us carry false beliefs about what we “should” or “should not” eat, and “good” or “bad” foods based on the diet culture, hearing messages from our parents, and/or having unhealthy diet narratives instilled in us through the health and wellness industry. Unfortunately, most of us don’t escape diet culture and often spend the majority of our lives yo-yo dieting. Swinging from severe restrictions of certain foods or even entire food groups to then binging and feeling out of control around the very food we restricted. This cycle not only damages our metabolism but also our relationships with our body and self.
Mindful Eating is the foundation from which intuitive eating and gentle nutrition were built from. We are all Biochemically Unique. What works for one person will not work for another. There is no one size fits all approach and this is why Mindful Eating is a key pillar in all the work Rejoice does. Let’s Honour where you are at today, your lived experience, and collaboratively make a plan that aligns with you and your unique needs.
Let Go of Restrictive Diet Cycling, and find Freedom, Joy, and Confidence in your Everyday Eating.

There are many resources and tools for Mindful Eating here in the Rejoice Community. You can use the search bar at the top right of the screen to search “Mindful Eating”.
Under the Article Tab in the Navigation bar, you can click “Mindful Eating” in the dropdown menu to easily find your area of interest.
Also, if you are interested in exploring the ideals of Mindful Eating and developing a healthier relationship with food and self check out the Eat with Ease: Mindful Eating & Intuitive Lifestyle Program
Learn more about the program by clicking the button below.

What is Food Security? Food Security is defined as “the state of having reliable access to both affordable food, and nutritious food”. However, this term has evolved in recent years to also include food waste and sustainability as it relates to the global food system.
Why is this a pillar? Aligning with your food budget, buying only what you need, reducing kitchen food waste, shopping local or growing your own food when possible, and being educated on how to make the best food purchasing choices impacts your health, your budget, the health of communities and the earth.
More times than I can count people have told me that they can’t afford to eat ‘healthy’. But when we begin to work together, they quickly learn that is not the case, and in fact, by implementing strategies and tools they can access affordable and nutritious foods. I have worked with a woman with complicated health issues on government assistance and we were able to help her access whole foods with her $40/weekly budget. Again, the health & wellness industry has created narratives (like diet culture has) about what eating ‘healthy’ vs ‘unhealthy’ looks like.
Rejoice also dedicates time, money, and energy toward community initiatives and food insecurity issues to ensure EVERYONE has equal access to affordable and nutritious foods. As well as provides a sliding scale for programs and services for low-income persons and speaks for free at non-profit food insecurity groups. It is a way that Rejoice gives back and walks the talk to Pillar Five.
If you Struggle with Nourishing Your Body on a Budget, don’t know how to ‘eat well’ on a Small Budget, or want to learn how to create a Waste-Free Kitchen. I can help.

There are many resources and tools for Food Security here in the Rejoice Community. You can use the search bar at the top right of the screen to search “Food Security”.
Under the Article Tab in the Navigation bar, you can click “Food Security” in the dropdown menu to easily find your area of interest.
I do offer a sliding scale for those who are low-income, and discounts on coaching to those on AISH benefits. Please contact me directly to discuss the details. I also speak for free to non-profit community groups in this area.
Also, if you are interested in exploring this area check out The Mindful Kitchen Method Program
Learn more about the program by clicking the button below.

Joyful Living? What does that even mean?! It is unique to each person, as are your nutritional needs. What sparks Joy in one person’s body, mind, and life will be very different in another. Truth is when I had two small children, was working full time, had a home to manage, health issues, and all the life responsibilities, if someone said I should focus on “Joyful Living”, I would have scoffed and rolled my eye’s thinking that is some “hippie-dippie bologna” I don’t have time for!
What I wish I knew then was it the context of Joyful Living does not need to look like what is perfectly curated on social media.Yes, morning routines showcased online may not be realistic for your life. But the questions of “what do you need to feel good in your body?” still need to be asked and a plan in how to carve out the intentional time that resonates for you is crucial to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
Joyful Living is a multifaceted approach that involves Intentional Wellness, Intuitive Living, Growth Mindset Work, Mindfulness Practices, Stress & Time Management, and Purposeful Actions to create Flow & Ease in your Daily Life (no matter how chaotic and busy it feels now).
If you are feeling Wired, Tired, Burnout, and just plain DONE! It might be time to implement Joyful Living Practices into your Week.

There are many resources as it relates to the “Joyful Living” Approach. You can use the search bar at the top right of the screen to search “Joyful Living”. Alternatively, you can find them under the Article Tab in the Navigation bar, you can click “Joyful Living” in the dropdown menu.
Also, if you are interested in learning how to merge all these 6 coaching pillars together in a functional and practical approach for REAL LIFE then check out Rejoice’s Signature Nutrition & Lifestyle Program The Feel Great in 8.
This Program was born in 2016 and has been reinvented every year to grow and evolve with its community and with new emerging nutrition science. The Rejoice Signature program has supported people worldwide to create a balanced approach to nutrition, movement, and mindfulness for ‘health’ and happiness YOUR WAY!
Learn more about the program by clicking the button below.

These Pillars are not separate from each other but rather overlapping and are intersectional in nature.
These pillars are foundational in the 1:1 custom coaching and online programs that Rejoice Provides. If you feel like you are interested in working together on a 1:1 basis to create a customized protocol together to suit your needs, goals, and lifestyle you can explore the coaching packages below and/or book a FREE 15-Minute Discovery Call to see if this is the right fit for you here.
In great health,
If you are interested in learning about how these pillars are connected? Check out the Gut, Hormone, & Mental Health Pillar Article below. Learn how the interconnections between these three systems in your body are vital to deeply support yourself in these three areas.