Most likely, you have heard the buzz words pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods. But what do they actually mean? I want to share my perspective on these terms and give you a very tasty smoothie that supports your digestion, immune function, and yes, includes food that is considered to reduce and/or not elicit inflammation in the body.
Inflammation in body tissue is a biological response to stimuli such as pathogens, irritants, damaged cells, and is a protective immune mechanism by the body via blood or immune cells for example. Now many inflammatory foods are considered to be unhealthy foods (i.e. white sugar, processed foods, hydrogenated oils) and it’s easy to get caught up in the “bad vs good foods”. However, for some people with food intolerances or allergies, even healthy foods will cause the release of inflammatory hormones in the body. This is why being mindful of foods you know you are sensitive too is a good idea.
Those with arthritis or osteoporosis can also react to healthy foods that are inflammatory in nature for some people. The nightshade family (i.e. peppers, eggplant) are packed with amazing nutrition but those with structural conditions notice consuming too much can increase inflammation or pain. This is another example why we don’t want to say there is only one perfect diet or one great food everyone should eat! Our bioidentical uniqueness determines what are the best foods for your body. When I am working on designing highly customized plans for those I work with, we examine all these factors before selecting foods.
Now foods that are listed as anti-inflammatory are foods that have been found to reduce the risk of inflammation, and chronic disease says Dr, Hu in a Harvard University Research Study on Foods That Fight Inflammation. You will find numerous lists but I do like Dr. Axe, Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods that is not a comprehensive list but the explanations for the 15 foods listed and clinical research link are a great resource. Turmeric, Ginger, Grapefruit have been studied for their anti-inflammatory properties such as being an immune modulator to aid in reducing inflammation caused by overactive immune responses.
This smoothie is a great way to consume a number of powerful anti-inflammatory foods at once. It is quick and easy to make while tasting delicious. When I work with clients that have Arthritis and we are selecting foods to support their immune and overall structural system, I often give this as one of the recipes. The feedback has always been very positive both on taste and how making these diet changes have improved their sleep, pain, and energy levels. So I am so happy to share this recipe with all of you.

Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie
- 1 large pink grapefruit, peeled
- 1.5 cups coconut water or nut milk
- 1 medium banana
- 1/2" piece fresh turmeric peeled
- 1/2" piece fresh ginger, peeled
- 2-4 ice cubes
- 1 tsp magnesium powder (optional)
- 1 tbsp raw unsalted cashews
- Place everything into a blender and blend until smooth.