You know you are great a
Nutrition & Health Coach with Amazing Ideas!
You dream of a thriving Nutrition/ Wellness business, but figuring out how to get there feels overwhelming, and if you do one more “identify your niche” worksheet you are gonna snap!
You spend your free time blogging, posting your best food pics on Instagram, making cooking reels and Instagram stories, creating freebies, and curating program offerings but none of it is leading to clients or cash.
You feel like you are spinning your wheels and business advice seems to start at $2500 US to $10,000 which is way out of reach for a new nutrition grad or a struggling solo entrepreneur.
Truth, I fell prey after I graduated from Nutrition school to paying silly amounts of money on so many Business & Marketing Programs that did not deliver on their promises.

With each business webinar I took, or online “self-paced” business program I enrolled in I thought this is the one! The one that will teach me the secrets of
“How to start an Online Program”
“How to Grow Your Email List”
“How to Establish a Succesful Virtual 1:1 Coaching Business”
“How to master your Social Media Marketing”
Sadly every one of those programs… well cost me $2500-$7500, and I did not feel like I got what I paid for. I got a ton of worksheets, videos to watch on my own time, generic “niche” exercises, etc. I did NOT need brainstorming coaching sheets to generate ideas, I had ideas! My mind was flowing with ideas! I just needed real help in taking the idea that was rolling around in my head and turning it into a reality.
I just wanted the “let’s get this sh*t done together” type of hands-on help, without all the added “fluff”.
How Can I Help You Build & Grow Your Wellness Business?
I have a successful Nutrition & Wellness business! I have learned many valuable lessons (including the hard lessons!) which I am happy to pass on to You.
I currently coach clients 1:1 around the globe! (Canada, USA, Australia, Brazil, UK, Japan, & in Spain to name a few). This means I have true experience in how to package, market, and coach your clients to see success.
I have consistently run successful online programs in the field of nutrition & wellness for over 6 years.
I have created and sold original Online Group Coaching Programs to other health and wellness professionals.
Do you have an interest in working in the community and making a difference? I have been the Executive Director of a Community Grass-Roots Organization in the field of mental health & dual diagnosis that works under the umbrella of Alberta Health Services for over 15 years. If you want to run a non-for-profit or access funding and grants I can support you with that.
Interested in starting and selling your product line? I have co-created a natural, organic food product line that was sold at farmers’ markets, local boutique wellness shops & major grocery stores province-wide. I co-created this business and product line and then sold the intellectual property (marketing, branding, and patented recipes).
Wondering how to network and get connected? I have sat on provincial and federal Nutrition & Agricultural Boards which has provided me great insight into how to work on multi-disciplinary teams with those from other modalities from Hospitals, Non-Profits, Farmers, to Government Health Services.
Do you have an interest in organizing retreats or wellness events? I have experience in doing both as a speaker and as an event organizer.
I teach Business, Social Media Marketing, Real Meal Planning, Online Program development, and How to Launch Your Online Business and Online Program at several branches of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition.
And so much more. If you have an idea for this industry. I most likely have done it. And I am so passionate about supporting others to make their ideas a reality

What do we do together during our Functional Customized Business Coaching Sessions,
(or more importantly what we won’t do)?!…
I am all about getting it done.
Getting to the actionable steps to achieve tangible results.
If your goal is to move your nutrition coaching online, or starting an online signature program, or create your offerings, you dream of a product line to sell in stores, or gain a better handle on your social media, understand the tech pieces behind it all, and/or if your nutrition business simply needs a boost?
Then let’s do the work together!
There is no cookie-cutter, one size fits all online program I am going to sign you up for.
There is no self-paced learning worksheets or workbook you know sits on your desktop you will maybe read one day, along with all the other freebie ebooks you downloaded on sales funnels or “how to make 6 figures in your business” lol by the person that has never actually made 6 figures in their life (as I said above I feel prey to way too many of those in my first year of business).
I won’t give you the same sheets that have been done a million times over and over again that are just being remarketed to you by someone else. I promise!
It's you and me grinding away 1:1 to get it done every week for 3-months.
It’s just you and me babe! Doing the work together to make it happen.
We will truly customize our time together to turn whatever wonderful ideas you have in your beautiful mind into something tangible and functional for your business.
I am not just your Coach, I am your Teammate on this creative Journey.
Let’s get it done!
Xo, Jo

P.S. YES! If you shop around this 3-Month Business Coaching Package is lower than most out there for us Nutritional Professionals. This was intentional.
I know what it’s like to give more than you earned to business coaching programs. To give $2500-$10,000 on them (which you don’t really have, but you are told you are “investing in your business”), so you make it work.
But as a new grad starting or a small struggling nutrition business working hard to stay afloat, that kind of investment is stressful. I teach post-secondary nutritional professionals because I believe that we need more passionate health professionals out there, and if my hard life lessons, entrepreneur learning, and coaching can help make that happen then I am grateful!
My offering is lower not because it is of less quality but because I choose to offer support to “the little guyz” that needs a hand and a fighting chance. I am in your corner! I got you.